Thursday 17 March 2011

We Re-film!

Yesterday, 16th of March 2011, we did not have the chance to blog as we were re-filming our thriller opening. We had a few issues on the day with equipment, but we did end up filming and we made sure we had enough clips (which was one of the problems we had with our previous filming) and made sure that everything turned out the way we needed it to for a successful edit and end product.

We filmed the same actions from different angles, as we would like to include match cuts. We think that match cuts are key to give the viewer awareness of the characters surroundings. With match-cuts the viewer may feel as though we are showing them a lot, but we only want to show the viewer a little part of what there is, show them enough for them to want to keep on watching and not too much for them to know fully what is going on. We were concerned at the beginning with the amount of information we are giving viewers, we felt as though they were not really going to understand the story, that's why we thought it necessary to re-film. 

When reading this blog and our posts on our movie, some people may not find that the storyline is very strong. We do feel however that most student films tend to have too much of the story in the opening two minutes. If you watch any thriller that is out in the cinema (e.g. The Stepfather, Se7en), the opening two minutes is not supposed to show too much or include too much information or being set in various different places, there tends to be just the one place. We felt that with the research we had done that this would be a good idea for an opening and although it may not tell much of a story, it is only supposed to be an opening. 

In conclusion, we felt filming went quite well specially with all the issues we had faced with equipment and the problems with the clips the first time we had filmed. We got all the shots we needed and after editing we feel that it will turn out quite well. We have used all the research and knowledge from the last couple of months and we have tried to put it into our filming.

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