Fonts used in Thriller openings
In this lesson, we learned about two different types of fonts which are usually used in the openings of thriller films. We learned how to distinguish them from one another and where each font is suitable to use.
Here are the two different types of fonts:
Serif Fonts- Such as Times and Courier
Serif fonts are generally more traditional and often slightly more formal than 'Sans Serif 'fonts.
(A Serif is the extra little detail at the end of each stroke of every letter)
Sans Serif fonts- Such as Ariel and comic Sans
Sans Serif fonts are generally more informal, more modern and more 'freindly'.
The font is basic, direct and very simple.
Here are examples of the Fonts being used on thriller films:


Overall, from this lesson I learned that the font used in every film poster has a puprpose. The font usually reflects what the film is going to be about. I found this lesson very useful as it made me think what type of my group should use in our thriller opening. I believe that the font should reflect the theme of the film.
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