We also Learnt Some Rules of the camera:
Not touching the Lens:
Touching the lens within the camera is not allowed. This is because it leaves fingerprints on the lens and whilst filing the fingerprints will appear on footage that has been created and does not look to good. This part of the camera is the most important and expensive part.
Return On Time:
There are limited amount of the cameras being used for many of the students. Many students like to borrow the camera over night based around their video. Students are only allowed to borrow the camera either for one night or take it out on friday and bring it back on monday before the first lesson, so that other people can use it to. So bringing it back late means that other student who need a camera to use wont be able to because it has not been brought back and therefore puts them behind on their work.
Not getting the camera Wet (Rain):
Expose the Camera to water e.g. Rain as camera this way cause to the camera to no longer work.
Checking Equipment before leaving the building:
Its highly important that you check ALL the equpment before setting off and also checking that everything works properly. This is because if students are filming quite far and something has gone wrong then it would be very difficult to get back quickly and will result in delaying the filming.
Not Filming in illegal Locations:
Recording graffiti, or a scene on the railway if a group does this they will be disqualified, authorisation is needed.
Keeping the Equipment safe:
Its vital that we look after school equipment as it cost a lot and is not your belongings. Also Treat the equipment as if it was your own.
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